Dates for psychic and spiritual workshops and retreats are coming soon! Here are some of the workshops on offer: They will typically run from 10am until 4pm approx on a Sunday. Cost will vary depending on the venue and whether lunch and refreshments is included in the price.
Learn to see and read auras
Course cost = £150 Includes all day tuition, certificate of completion, workshop notes, and an introduction to psychometry
During this one day workshop you will: *Learn to see auras around people, animals and inanimate objects *Understand the meaning of colours in an aura *Appreciate why it is helpful to see auras *And more importantly feel them on both people and places. You will learn how to cleanse your own aura and others too. This is especially important if you want to work as a healer, psychic or medium. By the end of the workshop you will be able to draw a persons aura and interpret it. You will also be certified in an introduction to psychometry. Psychometry is an ability to perceive the deeper meaning behind objects. Please bring your own refreshments, a small pack of colouring pencils and any object e.g. ring, toy, photo or anything else you would like someone to do a reading on.
Meet your guides and guardian angels - Limited to 15 people
Course cost = £85. Includes all day tuition, certificate of completion and workshop notes.
Exactly who is helping you on your spiritual pathway? Do we all have guides, helpers or inspirers? Who is our guardian angel? Can I meet my guides, and angels them and if so, how? Is my deceased relation my guardian angel What’s the difference between all of these ‘entities’? Find out the answers to all of these questions and much more! A series of beautiful meditations allows you to meet your guides, inspirers and guardian angel. Find out how they can help you in everyday life as well as your spiritual growth.
Past Life Regression Workshop
Course cost £85
Ever had the feeling you’ve been here before? Did you have reoccurring dream as a child or do you have them now? Why do you like or dislike certain people or places for no apparent reason? How can you explain déjà vu? Do you have addictions, talents or habits that cannot be explained logically? This one-day workshop will shed light on all these matters. Apart from being regressed to your previous life/lives you will understand why your past life/lives is influencing the present and how you can live more abundantly as a result.
Psychic Pets and Animal Telepathy
Course cost £85
Is your pet psychic? Does your dog or cat know when you are coming home even if you have been away on holiday or work odd hours? When your ride your horse do you feel "together as one"? Do your pets act strangely in the home as if "someone or something" is there? Have your pets saved you from danger? Do they think they are human? How do racing pigeons find their way home? Can our deceased loves ones send us messages via birds or other animals? Find out all this and more on this one day workshop.
Psychic Protection and Psychic Attack
Course cost £150 including materials
What is psychic protection? What is psychic attack? What are the tell tale signs of psychic attack? Do some people or places drain you? How can you protect yourself and your home from psychic attack, negative entities and curses? If you are healer, psychic, medium or work with 'energy' in any way shape or form this one day workshop is for you. Learn about energy fields, and the power of thought, words and behaviour as an unwitting energy exchange.
Ghosts, apparitions, lost souls, poltergeists, spirit, orbs, demons, negative energy and paranormal activity
Course cost £150 including materials
During this one day workshop we will explore all of the above, share our experiences and determine the best course of action when faced with these entities. This workshop is designed to help identify different entities and equipping you with a 'tool box' to help remove them and restore peace and harmony to the lives of people affected by them. The course is more apt for people working with energy (e.g. mediums, healers, psychics, paranormal investigators, witches, pagans, reverends, house doctors, complementary therapists, carers, nurses etc) but the curious are most welcome!
Psychic Development for Emergency Services Personnel
Details coming soon!